Final Project: Reflective Synthesis | EAC 539 Teaching in the Online Environment | Fall 2020
Use large images that fill up the slide and keep your text to a minimum.
Fair Use Copyright Law is not a blanket cover for teaching. Copyright law can be complicated. There are enterprising attorneys that search out copyright infractions and contact owners of the works and attempt to get users to payout. I have encountered several companies that have been forced to pay usage fees to avoid court cases.
Almost all images are based on pixels which get worse in quality when enlarged.
It has not been optimized for the web. Video images and digital camera images can be extremely large.
Yes size is on your screen to the general size you want and take a screen shot. That will result in a greatly reduced image.
This website is not based on a content management system. It is built with basic code using PHP, HTML, CSS, and Javascript and a huge reliance on the Bootstrap Library which makes it a lot easier to create layouts that work on computers, tablets and phones.