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INLS 161 Recitation Notes Site

605 & 606 (Remote Asynchronous Sections)

Spring 2025

Lawrence (Larry) Jones, M.Ed. Adjunct Instructor
UNC School of Information and Library Science



Remote Recitations

This site has been optimized for online e-learning delivery of INLS 161 recitations where we will focus on learning by following steps to complete assignments. This is a "learning-by-doing" process. This does not really give you the "big picture" of the why, but focuses on the how.

Lecture Materials Site

Big picture ideas are grasped by learning the background information and learning from information science pioneers like Grace Hopper. That is why you need to also look at the materials here: So, be sure to read these pages and attend lectures to deepen and round out your understanding of Information Science concepts through study and thinking. This is especially true if your goal is to be regarded as a well-versed Information Science professional.

The recitation links on the lecture site are optimized for students in the face-to-face recitations, and you are welcome to use the face-to-face material if they suit you better. Any student in INLS 161 may augment learning by use of any and all available resources.

Windows or Mac?

For the majority of the material, the differences are very minor. Dr. Bergquist is a Windows user and I am a Mac user; therefore, the in-person recitation materials may be a bit more Windows-centric, and these e-learning recitation links may be more Mac-centric, but all content will take both operating systems into account where there might be differences. Having exposure to both operating systems is a plus as you are deepening your knowledge of information tools.

The projects and grading rubrics are the same for all in-person students and remote students in INLS 161.

However, the presentation final for remote student will be a synchronous/live zoom meeting. If you are unable to attend the in-person zoom meeting, you will need to complete an alternate presentation assignment, or you will need to attend one of the live sessions. One way or another, you will need to evaluate other presentations by your peers before finishing the course. Final details will be worked out by mid-term and will be posted on the Presentation pages of this site.

Panopto will serve all my videos

Make sure you can access UNC Panopto Video Site. The Panopto videos will be linked from these pages in this site site and cannot be found in the Canvas Site on on the Lecture Materials site.

Presentation Due at Final

Students in the online asynchronous section will have the option to attend an online Zoom exam session, or may gain permission to attend one of the live sessions. If this is not possible, be sure to contact me to be assigned an asynchronous peer review assignment as a makeup final exam. Attending the exam is more passive and the assignment is more active, but the time commitment will be the same.

Ignore the Canvas Assignments Due Date for your Presentation

To reiterate again: YOUR PRESENTATION IS DUE by the beginning of our scheduled final class which will be determined via a student feedback around midterm. It is my desire to have the exam nearer to the start of the finals period and not nearer to the end of the finals period, but I will take student feedback into consideration. The assignments must have due date, so Dr. Bergquist must put in something for Canvas. This is a limitation of not having multiple due dates for sections in Canvas.

Flexibility and resubmits

I am flexible, but I want you to all understand that if all of you take advantage of my flexibility, I may not have time to get your late projects graded by the Connect Carolina deadline. If you feel like things are spinning out of control, then it is best to reach out in advance.