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SFTP and editors

SFTP Video

Visual Studio Code Video

Why file naming is important

The point of all this care in naming of files and directories is for you to get used to the file-naming standards for web development.

This screen shot for this week's assignment submissions should be named in the same format as previous assignment screenshots.

Notice that the below examples are not in title case: Lastname-Firstname. Although the preferred writing usage to refer to SFTP is upper case, this is not best practice for file names. Stick with all lowercase for file names.

Here is the definitive guide:


lastname = your last name
firstname = your first name
20250120 = actual date you submit

If you do not submit these files in Canvas with the proper names, you will have to resubmit to earn the full credit.

Learning Objectives

  1. Go over GUI and CLI Basics and the impact that has on our tools we will use today and the next few weeks.
  2. Go over the difference between SFTP and FTP and the difference between HTTP and HTTPS.
  3. Install an SFTP program and connect to opal and transfer some files back and forth.
  4. Install Text Editor
  5. Take time to finish and or correct problems with previous tasks

Task: Install an SFTP tool

Cyberduck for Mac and Windows

Note: I used to be very biased against CyberDuck. Back in 2017 there was a spoof CyberDuck site and students got hacked browsers. So all my previous class material avoided CyberDuck. There was nothing wrong with CyberDuck. The problem was the spoofed program. If you get the right program, then you are fine. The video demonstration above will use Cyberduck. The video demonstration shows your the safe URL for Cyberduck which is


I had two students from spring that could not get Cyberduck to work for them. If you have any problems, try one of these:

FileZilla: Mac and Windows Be sure to download the client and not the server.

WinSCP: Windows Only

Installing WinSCP Video if you prefer this SFTP Program

Windows: I like WinSCP for Windows because it is free and Open Source shareware, and has no adware. You can download WinSCP with this link. Don't click the "get it with from Microsoft" link unless you want to help fund the open source project by paying $10.

There is no registration code to enter for this package, and it does not have an ending trial period.

Fetch: Mac Only

Installing Fetch (Mac) Slides if you prefer this SFTP Program

Connecting with Fetch (Mac) Video if you prefer this SFTP Program

Mac: I like Fetch for the Mac because UNC has a Use License and I have a lot of experience with using it for teaching. Here is the UNC Software download link for Fetch. Make sure to look for this:

Serial Number Name: UNC-Chapel Hill

Serial Number: (The download page will show you the Serial number)

It is long and hard to type, so copy-paste into Fetch.

Task 01e: Install a text editor

My personal preference for teaching for both PC and Mac is Visual Studio Code. This will be the best option for you if you do not already have a favorite editor. I do not recommend using textEdit on the Macintosh or Notepad on the PC or other very basic editors unless you are an advanced coder. (Notepad++ is an acceptable text editor).

If you like Visual Studio Code, I would recommend installing file Utils and Code Spell Checker