Appropriate Content for Online Instruction

Final Project: Reflective Synthesis | EAC 539 Teaching in the Online Environment | Fall 2020

Old Media Text: books, encyclopedias, periodicals ...

Lesson 2: Text

Old Media text is often scanned and posted online and available for online learning purposes. In many cases these documents are not optimized for web delivery. Below are two great sources for free e-books.

Free Text-Based Content Sources

HTML and PDF are the most commonly used forms of optimized text for online teaching purposes.

edison's phonograph

HTML: Text on the World Wide Web

If you have taken an online class and submitted a forum post, you may have noticed that you can select text and make words bold or italic. You may not realize it, but the program is actually adding the HTML in the background when you are making changes. You can also make text into hyperlinks by selecting the text and clicking a link button.The text on this page is HTML text because this is a web page. HTML text is a very appropriate form of content for online instruction. For more information about learning how to write HTML, see this HTML introduction at

PDF: Portable Document Format; its everywhere

To learn more about pdf, see this online article at Adobe: PDF. Three letters that continue to change the world. Lesson 3: Images