Appropriate Content for Online Instruction

Final Project: Reflective Synthesis | EAC 539 Teaching in the Online Environment | Fall 2020

Old Media: Television, Movies, Presentations ...

Lesson 6: Multimedia

Most Common Multi-media tools: Presentation Software

edison's phonograph

There are a multitude of slide presentation tools available for use for online content. I have used PowerPoint, Keynote on the Macintosh, and Google Slides. The particular tool is less important than how the content is presented. Some people love Prezi, but it makes me a bit dizzy and I have never been interested in giving it a try. Slideshare is a great place to see lots of example layouts for presentations. See the resources page for links to these tools. Each tool has strengths and weaknesses. I particlarly like to use RevealJS because it is HTML based and it allows for live links. Here is an example of a RevealJS presentation I used for a Graphic Design Class that I taught: What is Graphic Design? I have learned a lot about multimedia design theory from my other classes in the Training and Development program. Here is a link to a page at that provides a lot of links to Google Scholar regarding multimedia use for learning and online teaching: Multimedia Instruction Lesson 7: Virtual Online Experiences