Final Project: Reflective Synthesis | EAC 539 Teaching in the Online Environment | Fall 2020
Old Media Images: photos, slide projection, illustations, maps, graphics ...
Look below the photo to learn about image formats and screen capture tools.
All images are based on two diffent types of technology, pixels and vectors. Pixels look bad if you zoom in very close and vectors look good
no matter how deeply you zoom in. Photographs are created and delivered as pixels. Graphics can be created with pixels or vectors, but are almost
always exported as pixels. The two most commonly used pixel based formats are .jpg
and .png
Vector images on the web are rare. But they are should not; they are perfectly suited for the web as they have many, many benefits over pixel based images. SVG is a very amazing file format that uses xml text to describe images and has all of the benefits of vectors and text.
Here is a short youTube video explaining the differences between pixels and vectors. Lesson 4: Audio